When “freedom” becomes a jail cell – by Ahmed Jeddo

Freedom is a word that means a myriad of different things depending on who you ask. However, there are certain freedoms around which a large consensus can gather such as the freedom to express an idea without fear of reproach, the freedom of assembly, the freedom to criticise, the freedom to believe, the freedom to…

When “Truth” loses all meaning

Ontological reductionism: the materialistic metaphysical belief that everything in reality can be explained by breaking it down into smaller, component parts, with no outside or ‘supernatural’ interference. "The Truth": For the purpose of this article I'm defining "Truth" as the ultimate state of reality, whether that reality is physical or meta/non-physical.  Why is 'The Truth'…

The secret of Science: its fundamental assumption

Epistemology is the study of how we arrive at knowledge. Part of understanding how we arrive at knowledge is to understand the fundamental, underlying assumptions of the various branches of knowledge. Without these assumption, moving forward with that branch of knowledge would impossible. The various branches of knowledge include, but are not limited to, Science,…


Philosophical materialism is the worldview that “physical matter is the only fundamental reality and that all being and processes and phenomena can be explained as manifestations or results of matter”1. Materialism, by extension, entails atheism, but atheism doesn’t necessarily entail materialism. In the paraphrased words of the renowned Christian philosopher, Alvin Plantinga, “materialism is atheism,…